Publications Featuring GFD Data

  1. Agrippino, S. M. and H. Rey (2013). “Funding Flows and Credit in Carry Trade Economies.” Liquidity Funding Markets: 211.
  2. Ahern, K. R. and A. K. Dittmar (2012). “The changing of the boards: The impact on firm valuation of mandated female board representation.”The Quarterly Journal of Economics 127(1): 137-197.
  3. Aizenman, J. and D. Riera-Crichton (2014). “Liquidity and Foreign Asset Management Challenges for Latin American Countries.” National Bureau of Economic Research.
  4. Akıncı, Ö. (2013). “Global financial conditions, country spreads and macroeconomic fluctuations in emerging countries.” Journal of International Economics 91(2): 358-371.
  5. Albuquerque, R., et al. (2015). “Long-run bulls and bears.” Journal of Monetary Economics 76: S21-S36.
  6. Al-Khazali, O., et al. (2017). “The Impact of Religious Practice on Stock Returns and Volatility.” International Review of Financial Analysis.
  7. Allington, N. F., et al. (2011). “The failure of the new macroeconomic consensus: from non-ergodicity to the efficient markets hypothesis and back again.” International Journal of Public Policy 7(1-3): 4-21.
  8. Almudhaf, F. (2017). “The Evolution of Return Predictability, Efficiency, and Bubbles in Indonesia.” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies(just-accepted): 1-21.
  9. Almudhaf, F. (2017). “The Evolution of Return Predictability, Efficiency, and Bubbles in Indonesia.” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies(just-accepted): 1-21.
  10. Almudhaf, F. (2017). “Speculative bubbles and irrational exuberance in African stock markets.” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 13: 28-32.
  11. Álvarez, M., et al. (2016). “Leaders and Markets: National Leadership and Stock Market Performance.” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 13: 28-32.
  12. Anderson, H. D., et al. (2012). “Time Diversification in Developed and Emerging Markets.” Journal of Emerging Market Finance 11(2): 115-144.
  13. Andrew, B. and G. Castro (2012). “Can You Beat the Market? Evaluating a Simple Investment Strategy.” Juniata Voices 12: 27.
  14. Ang, A., et al. (2015).“The Great Wall of Debt: Corruption, Real Estate, and Chinese Local Government Credit Spread.”Georgetown McDonough School of Business Research Paper No. 2603022; Columbia Business School Research Paper No. 15-57; PBCSF-NIFR Research Paper No. 15 2.
  15. Annaert, J., et al. (2016).“Financial History Databases: Old Data, Old Issues, New Insights?.”Research Foundation Publications 2016(3): 44-65.
  16. Ansari, M., et al. (2012). “A COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS OF THE US-JAPAN TRADE RELATIONS, 1985-1995.” Essays in Economic & Business History 18.
  17. Anthony, M. S., et al. (2012). “Developing sound long-term portfolio strategy for churches and other religious organizations.” Journal of Finance and Accountancy 10: 1.
  18. Antonakakis, N., et al. (2016). “Dynamic Comovements between Housing and Oil Markets in the US over 1859 to 2013: A Note.” Atlantic Economic Journal 44(3): 377-386.
  19. Anzuini, A. and F. Brusa (2016). “Carry trades and exchange rate volatility: a TVAR approach.”
  20. Anzuini, A. and F. Fornari (2012). “Macroeconomic determinants of carry trade activity.”Review of International Economics 20(3): 468-488.
  21. Aquanno, S. and J. Brennan (2016). “The Politics of Canadian Monetary Policy: Reassessing Canadian Inflation, Part II.” Journal of Economic Issues 50(3): 814-833.
  22. Arin, K. P., et al. (2013). “Politics, stock markets, and model uncertainty.” Empirical Economics 45(1): 23-38.
  23. Ariss, R. T., et al. (2011). “Calendar anomalies in the Gulf Cooperation Council stock markets.” Emerging Markets Review 12(3): 293-307.
  24. Arnott, R., et al. (2015). “The myth of dynastic wealth: the rich get poorer.” Cato J. 35: 447.
  25. Arnott, R. D. (2015). “Whither Bonds, After the Demographic Dividend?.” CFA Institute Conference Proceedings Quarterly, CFA Institute.
  26. Arnott, R. D. and D. B. Chaves (2012). “Demographic changes, financial markets, and the economy.” Financial Analysts Journal 68(1): 23-46.
  27. Arnott, R. D., et al. (2017). “Presidential Politics and Stock Returns.”
  28. Arnott, R. D., et al. (2013). “Clairvoyant Discount Rates.” The Journal of Portfolio Management 40(1): 109-123.
  29. Arslan, Y., et al. (2016). “The inflation process.”
  30. Ashani, Z. N. and M. R. A. Bakar (2016). “A Skewed Truncated Cauchy Logistic Distribution and its Moments.” International Mathematical Forum.
  31. Auerbach, A. and K. Hassett (2014). “Capital taxation in the 21st Century.” Mimeo, UC Berkeley.
  32. Auffhammer, M. and P. Berck (2012). “Farm Acreage Shocks and Food Prices: An SVAR Approach to Understanding the Impacts of Biofuels.” Environmental and Resource Economics, September 2012, Volume 53, Issue 1, pp 117–136.
  33. Avsar, V. (2012). “The Anatomy of Trade Deflection.” Florida International University Digital Commons.
  34. Aybar, C. B., et al. (2012). “Successful cross-border acquisitions of Latin American financial institutions: Identifying success factors.” Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies 4(3): 347-367.
  35. Ayres, I. and B. Nalebuff (2013). “Diversification across time.” The Journal of Portfolio Management 39(2): 73-86.
  36. Azad, A. S., et al. (2013). “An Investigation of the Deviation from the Market Efficiency and its Implications for Capital Market Development: The DSE Evidence.” Emerging markets and the global economy: a handbook, Academic Press, Oxford, England, pp.143-159.
  37. Bae, J. W. and R. Elkamhi (2016). “Global Equity Correlation in FX Carry and Momentum Trades.”
  38. Baines, J. (2014). “The ethanol boom and the restructuring of the food regime.” Working Papers on Capital as Power: 1-50.
  39. Baines, J. (2017). “Accumulating through food crisis? Farmers, commodity traders and the distributional politics of financialization.” Review of International Political Economy: 1-41.
  40. Baker, M., et al. (2012). “Global, local, and contagious investor sentiment.” Journal of Financial Economics 104(2): 272-287.
  41. Balcilar, M., et al. (2014). “The impact of oil price on South African GDP growth: A Bayesian Markov Switching-VAR analysis.”
  42. Balima, W. H., et al. (2016). “Bond Markets Initiation and Tax Revenue Mobilization in Developing Countries.” Southern Economic Journal 83(2): 550-572.
  43. Ballantyne, A., et al. (2014). “Financial Reform in Australia and China.”Deepening Reform for China’s Long-term Growth and Development: 251.
  44. Barnett, A., et al. (2014). “Forecasting UK GDP growth and inflation under structural change. A comparison of models with time-varying parameters.”International Journal of Forecasting 30(1): 129-143.
  45. Barnett, A. and R. Thomas (2013). “Has weak lending and activity in the United Kingdom been driven by credit supply shocks?.”
  46. Baron, M. (2015). “Countercyclical bank equity issuance, Princeton University, Working Paper.”
  47. Baron, M. and W. Xiong (2016). “CREDIT EXPANSION AND NEGLECTED CRASH RISK.”National Bureau of Economic Research.
  48. Battellino, R. and M. Plumb (2011). “A generation of an internationalised Australian dollar.”BIS Papers(61): 202-217.
  49. Bautista, D. M. A., et al. “The negative relationship between stock market and foreign exchange market in the Philippines: 2006–2013.”
  50. Becuwe, S., et al. “Asymmetric influence of distance on French international trade (1850-1913): A comparison with Germany.”
  51. Beirne, J. and J. Gieck (2014). “Interdependence and contagion in global asset markets.”Review of International Economics 22(4): 639-659.
  52. Beladi, H., et al. (2016). “A macro-analysis of financial decisions: An examination of special dividend announcements.”International Review of Financial Analysis 48: 162-181.
  53. Belasen, A. R., et al. (2016). “The Impact of Unsuccessful Pirate Attacks on Financial Markets: A Confirmation of Leeson’s Reputation-Building Theory.”
  54. Belasen, A. R., et al. (2017). “The impact of unsuccessful pirate attacks on financial markets: Evidence in support of Leeson’s reputation-building theory.” Economic Modelling 60: 344-351.
  55. Bendob, A. and K. Si Mohemmed (2014). “La relation entre le taux de change parallèle et la demande de la monnaie Cas de l’Algérie durant 1980-2010: Une approche économétrique.”
  56. Berge, T. J. (2014). “Forecasting disconnected exchange rates.” Journal of Applied Econometrics 29(5): 713-735
  57. Berge, T. J. and G. Cao (2014). “Global effects of US monetary policy: is unconventional policy different?.” Economic Review-Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: 5
  58. Berkman, H., et al. (2011). “Time-varying rare disaster risk and stock returns.” Journal of Financial Economics 101(2): 313-332
  59. Bhamra, H. S., et al. (2014). “A dynamic equilibrium model of imperfectly integrated financial markets.” Journal of Economic Theory 154: 490-542.
  60. Bialkowski, J. P. and E. I. Ronn (2016). “Financial Markets in the Face of the Apocalypse.”
  61. Bichler, S. and J. Nitzan (2011). “Kliman on Systemic Fear: A Rejoinder.” Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies 1(4): 93-118
  62. Bichler, S. and J. Nitzan (2013). “Can Capitalists Afford Recovery? Economic Policy When Capital is Power.” Working Papers on Capital as Power(2013/0): 1-36.
  63. Bichler, S. and J. Nitzan (2016). “A CasP model of the stock market.” Real-World Economics Review(77): 119-154.
  64. Black, S., et al. (2013). “A history of Australian corporate bonds.” Australian Economic History Review 53(3): 292-317.
  65. Bodea, C. (2014). “Fixed exchange rates, independent central banks and price stability in post communist countries: Conservatism and credibility.” Economics & Politics 26(2): 185-211.
  66. Bohl, M. T., et al. (2016). “Spot market volatility and futures trading: The pitfalls of using a dummy variable approach.” Journal of Futures Markets 36(1): 30-45.
  67. Bondt, G. J. and S. Schiaffi (2015). “Confidence Matters for Current Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence for the Euro Area and the United States.” Social Science Quarterly 96(4): 1027-1040.
  68. Bordo, M. and H. James (2017). “Partial Fiscalization: Some Historical Lessons on Europe’s Unfinished Business.”
  69. Borio, C. E. and B. Hofmann (2017). “Is monetary policy less effective when interest rates are persistently low?.”
  70. Borio, C. E. and P. W. Lowe (2002). “Asset prices, financial and monetary stability: exploring the nexus.”
  71. Brennan, J. (2015). “Do Corporate Income Tax Rate Reductions Accelerate Growth?.” Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
  72. Bush, O., et al. (2011). “Reform of the international monetary and financial system.” Bank of England, Financial Stability Paper No. 13 – December 2011.
  73. Butler, A., et al. (2014). “Tactical Alpha: A Quantitative Case for Active Asset Allocation.”
  74. Butler, A., et al. (2012). “Adaptive Asset Allocation: A Primer.”
  75. Cáceres, N. and S. W. Malone (2013). “Forecasting leadership transitions around the world.” International Journal of Forecasting 29(4): 575-591.
  76. Campbell, J. Y., et al. (2013). “Hard times.” Review of Asset Pricing Studies 3(1): 95-132.
  77. Campello, D. (2012). “The Politics of Global Financial Markets in Latin America.” The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Political Economy: 285.
  78. Caruana, J. (2012). “Sir Andrew Crockett 1943–2012.” BIS Quarterly Review.
  79. Caruana-Galizia, P. (2015). “Why did the Mediterranean fail to globalise? Real wages and labour market integration in the 19th Century.” Revista de Historia Económica 33(2): 257.
  80. Caruana-Galizia, P. and M. Caruana-Galizia (2016). “Offshore financial activity and tax policy: evidence from a leaked data set.” Journal of Public Policy 36(03): 457-488.
  81. Caselli, M. (2012). “Does wealth inequality reduce the gains from trade?.” Review of World Economics 148(2): 333-356.
  82. Cejnek, G. and O. Randl (2016). “Risk and return of short-duration equity investments.” Journal of Empirical Finance 36: 181-198.
  83. Cenesizoglu, T. and B. Essid (2012). “The effect of monetary policy on credit spreads.” Journal of Financial Research 35(4): 581-613.
  84. Chadefaux, T. (2016). “The Triggers of War.”
  85. Charles, A. and O. Darné (2012). “Large Shocks in the Volatility of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index: 1928-2010.”
  86. Chaves, D., et al. (2011). “Risk parity portfolio vs. other asset allocation heuristic portfolios.” The Journal of Investing 20(1): 108-118.
  87. Chen, Y., et al. (2015). “Grey wave forecasting with qualified unequal-interval contour lines and its application in metal prices prediction.” Grey Systems and Intelligent Services (GSIS), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, IEEE.
  88. Chiou, W.-J. P. and V. W. Boasson (2015). “International Variations in the Benefits of Feasible Diversification Strategies.” Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 18(04): 1550022.
  89. Choi, S., et al. (2016). “Aggregate Uncertainty and Sectoral Productivity Growth : The Role of Credit Constraints.”
  90. Choong, P. S., et al. (2012). “Determinants of gold prices: using simple and multiple linear regression.”
  91. Christensen, B. J., et al. (2015). “The impact of financial crises on the risk–return tradeoff and the leverage effect.” Economic Modelling 49: 407-418.
  92. Clavel, D. (2016). “When Financial Repression Leads to (Unsuccessful) Financial Innovation.”
  93. Cohen-Meidan, M. (2013). “The heterogeneous effects of trade protection: A study of us antidumping duties on portland cement.” Review of Industrial Organization 42(4): 369-394
  94. Colacito, R. and M. M. Croce (2013). “International asset pricing with recursive preferences.” The Journal of Finance 68(6): 2651-2686.
  95. Connolly, E. and D. Orsmond (2011). “The Mining Industry: From Bust to Boom.” Reserve Bank of Australia.
  96. Cunado, J. and F. P. de Gracia (2014). “Oil price shocks and stock market returns: Evidence for some European countries.” Energy Economics 42: 365-377.
  97. Dalio, R. (2012). “How the economic machine works.”
  98. Dalio, R. (2012). “An in-depth look at deleveragings.” Bridgewater
  99. Dandume, M. Y. (2014). “Financial sector development, economic growth and poverty reduction: new evidence from Nigeria.” Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi 4(2): 1-21.
  100. Danielsson, J., et al. (2016). “Learning from history: volatility and financial crises.” FEDS Working Paper No. 2016-093.
  101. Dash Jr, G. H. and N. Kajiji (2012). “Efficient multivariate modeling of cross border effects in European bond volatility spillover: A multiple objective artificial neural network approach.” Lecture Notes in Management Science (2012) Vol. 4: 184–192.
  102. De Boer, S. and J. Norman (2014). “To Hedge or Not to Hedge: The Slings and Arrows of Currency Risk in Minimum-Volatility Investing.” The Journal of Index Investing 5(2): 21-33.
  103. de Castro Ferreira, J. D. O. (2014). “Optimal Timing for an IPO with Market Sentimentapos.”
  104. De Menil, G., et al. (2016). “A rational, economic model of paygo tax rates.” European Economic Review 89: 55-72
  105. Dedola, L., et al. (2015). “If the Fed sneezes, who catches a cold? .” European Central Bank.
  106. Deng, K. (2015). “From Economic Failure to Economic Reforms .” Groniek 46(199).
  107. Dhaoui, A. and Y. Saidi (2015). “Oil supply and demand shocks and stock price: Empirical evidence for some OECD countries .” Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
  108. Dimson, E. and C. Spaenjers (2013). “The investment performance of art and other collectibles .” Chapter 10 of Anna Dempster (Ed), Risk and Uncertainty in the Art World, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014, pages 219–238.
  109. Dimson, E. and C. Spaenjers (2014). “Investing in emotional assets.” Financial Analysts Journal, March/April 2014 | Vol. 70 | No. 2 | 6 pages .
  110. Donadelli, M. (2013). “Global integration and emerging stock market excess returns.” Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies 6(2): 244-279.
  111. Drake, D. F. and S. Spinler (2013). “OM Forum—Sustainable Operations Management: An Enduring Stream or a Passing Fancy?.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15(4): 689-700.
  112. Drew, M. E., et al. (2014). “Improving retirement adequacy through asset class prioritization.” Journal of Financial Services Marketing 19(4): 291-303.
  113. Drew, M. E., et al. (2016). “Withdrawal capacity in the face of expected and unexpected health and aged-care expenses during retirement.” The Journal of Retirement 3(3): 77-94.
  114. Duffy, V., et al. (2016). “STEP Project Annual Report 2015-16.” Digital Knowledge at Babson
  115. Dwyer, A., et al. (2011). “Global commodity markets–price volatility and financialisation.” RBA Bulletin, June: 49-57.
  116. Dwyer, A., et al. (2012). “Commodity market financialisation: A closer look at the evidence.” The Recent Economic Performance of the States 1 Trends in National Saving and Investment 9 The Distribution of Household Wealth in Australia: Evidence from the 2010 HILDA Survey 19 India’s Steel Industry 29: 65.
  117. Eichengreen, B. (2011). “Crisis and growth in the advanced economies: what we know, what we do not, and what we can learn from the 1930s.” Comparative Economic Studies 53(3): 383-406.
  118. Eichengreen, B., et al. (2016). “Deflation in Asia: should the dangers be dismissed?.” ABD Economics Working Paper Series NO. 490, July 2016.
  119. Eichengreen, B., et al. (2017). “Should the Dangers of Deflation be Dismissed?.” Journal of Macroeconomics.
  120. Ekundayo, S. O. and J. Joenväärä (2015). “Predicting excess stock returns in short and long horizons.” Journal of Macroeconomics.
  121. Elhusseiny, M. F., et al. (2015). “PRICING OF LOCAL SOURCES OF RISK ON INDUSTRY RETURNS: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM.” International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives 10(1).
  122. ELORANTA, J. “The Great Powers, 1870-1913.”
  123. Emenike, K. O. and W. U. Ani (2014). “Import of Research-Data Centre to Development of Banking and Finance Education in Nigeria.” University Library of Munich, Germany in its series MPRA Paper with number 65378.
  124. Erten, B. and J. A. Ocampo (2013). “Super cycles of commodity prices since the mid-nineteenth century.” Initiative for Policy Dialogue.
  125. Espinoza, R., et al. (2012). “The role of financial variables in predicting economic activity.” European Central Bank, Working Paper Series No 1108, November, 2009.
  126. Evans, J. R., et al. (2015). “A Knightian Analysis of the Viability of a Lifetime Annuity Market in Australia.”
  127. Evans, K. J. and J. M. Welch (2014). “Measuring the Past: Free Digitized Sources of Historical International Economic Information.” Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship 19(4): 287-305.
  128. Faber, M. (2011). “Where the Black Swans Hide & The 10 Best Days Myth.”
  129. Faber, M. (2012). “Global Value: Building Trading Models with the 10 Year CAPE.”
  130. Fatum, R. (2015). “Foreign exchange intervention when interest rates are zero: Does the portfolio balance channel matter after all?.” Journal of International Money and Finance 57: 185-199.
  131. Fatum, R. and Y. Yamamoto (2014). “Large versus small foreign exchange interventions.” Journal of Banking & Finance 43: 114-123.
  132. Federico, P., et al. (2014). “Reserve requirement policy over the business cycle.” NBER Working Paper No. 20612, Issued in October 2014
  133. Flota, C. (2014). “The Impact of Exchange Rate Movements on Firm Value in Emerging Markets: The Case of Mexico.” American Journal of Economics 4(2A): 51-72.
  134. Forbes, K. J. (2012). “The’Big C’: Identifying and mitigating contagion.” Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
  135. Forbes, K. J. (2012). “Capital flow volatility and contagion: A focus on asia.”
  136. Forbes, K. J., et al. (2013). “Capital controls and macroprudential measures: what are they good for?.” NBER Working Paper No. 20860, Issued in January 2015
  137. Fornari, F. and A. Mele (2013). “Financial volatility and economic activity.” Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions 1(2): 155-198.
  138. Francis, J., et al. (2013). “The Buy-to-Build Indicator: New Estimates and Comment.”
  139. Frankel, J. A., et al. (2013). “On graduation from fiscal procyclicality.” Journal of Development Economics 100(1): 32-47
  140. Frijns, B. and A. Tourani-Rad (2016). “The long-run performance of the New Zealand stock markets: 1899-2013.” Pacific Accounting Review 28(1): 59-70.
  141. Gandhi, P. (2016). “From the Panic of 1873 to the Crisis of 2007: Bank Credit, Business Cycles, and Financial Markets.”
  142. Gandhi, P. and H. Lustig (2015). “Size anomalies in US bank stock returns.” The Journal of Finance 70(2): 733-768
  143. Gardner, L. (2015). “The curious incident of the franc in the Gambia: exchange rate instability and imperial monetary systems in the 1920s.” Financial History Review 22(03): 291-314.
  144. Gargano, A. and A. Timmermann (2012). “Predictive dynamics in commodity prices.”
  145. Geczy, C. and M. Samonov (2015). “215 Years of global multi-asset momentum: 1800-2014 (equities, sectors, currencies, bonds, commodities and stocks).”
  146. Geczy, C. C. and M. Samonov (2016). “Two Centuries of Price-Return Momentum.” Financial Analysts Journal 72(5): 32-56
  147. Goldberg, L. R. and O. Mahmoud (2013). “Risk without return.” Journal of Investment Strategies (2)2: 111-120, 2013
  148. Goodhart, C. A. (2013). “ Globalization in an Age of Crisis: Multilateral Economic Cooperation in the Twenty-First Century.” University of Chicago Press: 343-363
  149. Gourio, F., et al. (2015). “Uncertainty and international capital flows.”
  150. Graddy, K. and P. Margolis (2013). “Old Italian Violins: A New Investment Strategy?.”
  151. Green, J. and S. Lavery (2014). “Britain’s Post-Crisis Political Economy: A ‘Recovery’through Regressive Redistribution.” SPERI Papers 11.
  152. Grossman, R. S. (2015). Interest rate cycles and implications for the financial sector: a long-term view. Proceedings of OeNB Workshops.
  153. Habib, M. M., et al. (2016). “Global Exchange Rate Configurations: Do Oil Shocks Matter?” IMF Economic Review 64(3): 443-470.
  154. Haidar, J. I. (2014). “Sanctions Backfire: Did Exports Deflection Help Iranian Exporters?” World Bank, Washington, DC.
  155. Haidar, J. I. (2015). “Sanctions and export deflection: Evidence from iran.” Paris School of Economics.
  156. Haldane, A. (2011). “Risk off.” Bank of England Speech, August 18. www. bankofengland. co. uk/publications/Documents/speeches/2011/speech513. pdf.
  157. Hale, G. and C. Long (2011). “Are there productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment in China?” Pacific Economic Review 16(2): 135-153.
  158. Hale, G. and M. Obstfeld (2016). “The Euro and the geography of international debt flows.” Journal of the European Economic Association 14(1): 115-144.
  159. Hale, G., et al. (2012). “The impact of creditor protection on stock prices in the presence of liquidity crises: Theory and cross-country evidence.”
  160. Hall, A. M., et al. (2016). “Exploring Socionomic Causality in Social Health and Epidemics.”
  161. Hamayon, S., et al. (2013). Non Gaussian Returns: Which Impact on Default Options Retirement Plans? AFFIR conference.
  162. Hamayon, S., et al. (2016). “Non Gaussian returns and pension funds asset allocation.” Review of Accounting and Finance 15(4).
  163. Hamill, C., et al. (2016). “Trend Following: Equity and Bond Crisis Alpha.”
  164. Harte, B. (2013). “Hedge fund performance.”
  165. Hartmann, J. (2013). Haver Analytics: Portion Control for Data Series, Taylor & Francis.
  166. Hassan, M. (2012). “Japanese foreign exchange intervention: A tale of pattern, size, or frequency.” Japan and the World Economy 24(3): 184-192.
  167. Hausman, C., et al. (2012). “Farm acreage shocks and crop prices: an SVAR approach to understanding the impacts of biofuels.” Environmental and Resource Economics 53(1): 117-136.
  168. Ho, J. C. and C.-H. D. Hung (2012). “Predicting stock market returns and volatility with investor sentiment: evidence from eight developed countries.”
  169. Ho, T.-k. and C.-c. Lai (2013). “Equilibrium and adjustment of exchange rates in the Chinese silver standard economy, 1928–1935.” Cliometrica 7(1): 87-98.
  170. Hoffmann, P. S. (2011). “Determinants of the Profitability of the US Banking Industry.” International Journal of Business and Social Science 2(22).
  171. Horvath, J. (2016). Essays on International Asset Pricing and Business Cycles, The Ohio State University.
  172. Hourvouliades, N. L. and V. Polimenis (2012). “Day-of-the-week effect around the 2008 financial crisis.” Global Business and Economics Review 14(4): 283-307.
  173. Hrytsko, S. (2014). “GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISES IMPACT ON THE ACCESS OF TRANSITIONAL ECONOMIES TO INTERNATIONAL BOND MARKET.” Actual problems of international relations 2(92): 79-86.
  174. Huang, C.-W. (2013). “5. Development and international diversification benefits of equity markets in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.” Economic Integration Across the Taiwan Strait: Global Perspectives: 102.
  175. Huang, R. J., et al. (2013). “Does mortality improvement increase equity risk premiums? A risk perception perspective.” Journal of Empirical Finance 22: 67-77.
  176. Huang, Y. “Aggregate Uncertainty and Sectoral Productivity Growth: The Role of Credit Constraints.”
  177. Hulley, H. and E. Platen (2012). “Hedging for the long run.” Mathematics and Financial Economics 6(2): 105-124.
  178. Hurst, B., et al. (2012). “A century of evidence on trend-following investing.” AQR capital management.
  179. Hutchinson, M. C. and J. O’Brien (2014). “Is This Time Different? Trend-Following and Financial Crises.” The Journal of Alternative Investments 17(2): 82-102.
  180. Hutchinson, M. C. and J. O’Brien (2015). Trend Following and Macroeconomic Risk, Working paper. University College Cork.
  181. Ilmanen, A., et al. (2016). “How Much Should DC Savers Worry about Expected Returns?” The Journal of Retirement 4(2): 44-53.
  182. Inker, B. (2011). “The Dangers of Risk Parity.” The Journal of Investing 20(1): 90-98.
  183. Investments, F. and J. Kriz (2012). Fisher Investments on Financials, John Wiley & Sons.
  184. is Back, F. R. (2016). “Aspect Capital Insight Series.”
  185. Ishaq, M. and M. A. U. Rehman “Exchange Rate Policy Dissension in East Asia An Impediment in the Way of Regional Economic Cooperation.”
  186. Jacks, D. S. (2012). “Commodity Price Booms and Busts: A Primer.” Commodity Price.
  187. Jacobsen, B. and F. de Roon (2012). “On diversification.”
  188. Jacobsen, B. and C. Y. Zhang (2014). “The Halloween indicator,’Sell in May and go Away’: An Even Bigger Puzzle.”
  189. Jadevicius, A., et al. (2012). “Examination of property forecasting models-accuracy and its improvement through combination forecasting.” ERES, Edinburgh.
  190. James, H. (2012). “Lessons for the Euro from History.” Princeton University.
  191. Jedidi, O. (2013). “Predicting sovereign debt crises: A panel data approach using composite indices.” University of Rennes.
  192. Ji, X. (2016). “Price Momentum: Was It There?” Journal of Accounting and Finance 16(6): 155.
  193. Jickling, M. (2011). Containing financial crisis, DIANE Publishing.
  194. Jo, S. (2014). Determinants of credit spreads on US dollar-denominated Asian corporate bonds, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  195. Jones, B. A. (2013). “Leaning Against the Wind: Reflections on Institutionalizing Countercyclical Investment.” The Journal of Wealth Management 16(1): 85-89.
  196. Juselius, M. and E. Takats (2015). “Can demography affect inflation and monetary policy?”.
  197. Juselius, M. and E. Takats (2016). “The age-structure–inflation puzzle.”
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