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Four Centuries of Global Leadership

Global Financial Data has collected data on the London Stock Exchange and the United States stock exchanges as well as data on individual companies over the past 400 years. This data covers all the major companies that have listed in London, New York, Paris and Amsterdam during the past four centuries. This data provides us with a fascinating glimpse into how global leadership has changed over the past 400 years. GFD has put together a table that provides information on what was the largest company in the world in each decade since 1602 and the total capitalization of that company. The results tell us a lot about how the global economy has evolved over time.  

Four Centuries in Four Paragraphs

Between 1600 and 1850, two companies dominated global stock markets, the Dutch East India Company during the seventeenth century and the Bank of England from 1730 to 1860. After that global leadership rotated from one company to another every few decades, first to the London and North Western Railway, then to Standard Oil, then to AT&T, then to IBM. During the past 30 years, no company has dominated the top spot for more than a few years. The domicile of the largest company has changed along with global leadership. The Netherlands dominated the seventeenth century, England the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the United States the twentieth century. All market cap values have been converted into US Dollars. Before 1792, the US Dollar didn’t exist, so values were calculated in British Pounds and converted into US Dollars at the rate of 4.60 US Dollars to the British Pound. In 1602 the market cap of the Dutch East India Company was less than $3 million, but it grew to $10 million by 1640. During the brief bubble of 1720, the Compagnie des Indes grew to $220 million in market cap, making it twice the size of the South Sea Co. which grew to $101 million in 1720. No company was to breach $200 million until 1880 when the London and North Western railway reached a market cap of $260 million. The first billion-dollar company was Standard Oil, which was briefly worth $1 billion in 1913 before the U.S. government split it up into over 30 separate companies (see the article, “The First Billion Dollar Company”). General Motors became the first company to be worth $10 billion in 1955 (along with E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. while Standard Oil and AT&T followed in 1956). Nippon Telegraph and Telephone became the first $100 billion company in 1990 during the Japanese stock bubble, and in 2018, Apple and Amazon are reaching for $1 trillion. Who will win?  

The Dutch East India Company

The Dutch East India Company enabled the Dutch to dominate world trade in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The article, “The First and the Greatest: The Rise and Fall of the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC)” detailed their rise and fall between 1602 and 1800 when the company went bankrupt and was nationalized. Originally, investors pooled money to fund maritime journeys to the Far East and back, but the innovation of the Dutch East India Company was to make the investment permanent and not refund investors’ money after each trip, but to allow them to share in the profits of each voyage. Over the years, investors in the company reaped huge returns, though often the dividends were paid in kind, in the spices brought back from the far east, rather than in cash. During the 1700s, the Dutch East India Co. faced competition from the British and French, but it wasn’t the competition that did in the Dutch East India Co., but the fact that the VOC did not expand its share capital. Instead, the company borrowed money so the existing shareholders could preserve their share of ownership. By the end of the 1700s, the debt load was so large that the company collapsed into bankruptcy, ending the reign of the Dutch East India Company.

The Dutch East India Company, 1602 to 1794

The Interregnum

The success of the Dutch in trading with the Far East encouraged the English and the French to try and repeat the success of the Dutch. The British East India Company had actually been founded in 1600, prior to the establishment of the Dutch East India Company. Though not as large as the Dutch East India Company, the British East India Company’s success bred resentment in England and in 1694 the company lost its monopoly of trade with India. A new East India Company was established in 1698 which obtained more funding than the old East India Company. The fact that competition lowers prices and profits soon became obvious and in 1708 the two East India Companies agreed to merge into a single entity. In 1700, the New British East India Company was the largest company in the world and in 1710 the conjoined East India Company was the largest. The East India Company was the ruler of India from 1757 until 1858 when the British government seized the company’s assets and began its rule over India. Although most people associate 1720 with the South Sea Bubble in London, the explosion of the Compagnie des Indes (see the article “The Mississippi Bubble, or How the French Eliminated All Their Government Debt”) made it the largest company in the world in 1720. Although the market cap of the South Sea Co. reached 22 million British Pounds ($100 million), the market cap of the Compagnie des Indes hit 48 million British Pounds ($220 million) making it over twice the size of its English cousin. Both France and Britain had piled up large debts in the War of the Spanish Succession and the bubbles were attempts to convert their government debt into equity in companies that traded in the Far East. These schemes eliminated the government debt, but at the expense of investors who lost their fortunes.  

The Bank of England

The Compagnie des Indes was reorganized after the bursting of the bubble and continued to operate successfully until the end of the 1700s. The South Sea Co. never found any profitable ventures and invested its assets in British government bonds (see the article “The South Sea Company – the Forgotten ETF”). The British East India Co. began running India after the Carnatic Wars with France. The true beneficiary of the bursting of the bubble was the Bank of England (see the article “The Bank of England – Safe for Widows and Orphans”), which reigned supreme in London for the next 150 years. Central banks of other countries, such as the Banque de France and Bank of Ireland were the largest companies in their countries, but all were smaller than the Bank of England. Between 1730 and 1860, Depending upon market conditions, the Bank of England ranged in size from 12 million British Pounds to 32 million British Pounds ($60 million to $150 million). However, the Bank of England was only able to maintain its reign for so long. The railroad bubble of 1845 laid the foundations for the industry which would dominate the stock market during the rest of the nineteenth century.

The Bank of England, 1698 to 1945

The London and North Western Railway

After the collapse of the railroad bubble of 1845, railroad companies in England merged with one another to control costs and raise prices. The largest railroad agglomeration was the London and North Western Railway which comprised the Grand Junction Railway, the London and Birmingham Railway and the Manchester and Birmingham Railway. The railroad continued to acquire other railroads in Lancashire and the Midlands making it the largest company in the world in 1865. The core of the line connected London to Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester. At its peak before World War I, the company employed over 100,000 people. After 1900, the profitability of all the railroads in England started to decline. In 1923, the British government amalgamated all the British Railways into four main lines with the London and North Western Railway becoming a component of the London, Midland and Scottish railway. In 1945 and 1946, the Bank of England and all the English railways were nationalized, and the two companies that had dominated the global economy from 1720 to 1900 became the property of the British government.  

The Rise of Standard Oil

In 1900, global leadership moved to America. In 1898, for the first time, the market cap of American companies exceeded the market cap of British companies. American railroads listed not only in New York, but in London, Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam. But it wasn’t a railroad which became the largest company in the world in 1900, but an oil company, Standard Oil. The interesting thing about Standard Oil is that until 1920, it wasn’t even traded on the New York Stock Exchange, but the company and all the subsidiaries that were spun off from Standard Oil in 1913 were traded over-the-counter. Rockefeller and others owned a large portion of the shares and until the company had to raise more capital in 1920 by issuing Preferred shares, Standard Oil found no need to list on the New York Stock Exchange. Standard Oil became the first billion-dollar company in 1913 before it was broken up into Standard Oil of New Jersey and over 30 constituent companies. Nevertheless, in 1920, Standard Oil of New Jersey was still the largest company in the world.

ExxonMobil (Standard Oil of New Jersey) 1882 to 2018

The American Century

During the twentieth century, with the exception of the Japanese bubble, the largest company in the world was an American company. American Telephone and Telegraph became the largest company in the world in 1922 and held the title most years between then and 1967 when IBM took over the top spot. Companies other than AT&T or IBM periodically held the top spot for a few years. The Penn Central Railroad was the largest company after Standard Oil was broken up, reigning from 1912 to 1915. Standard Oil of New Jersey regained the title in 1916. National City Bank (later renamed Citicorp) was the largest company in the world in 1925, 1927 and 1928 before the bank collapsed in price during the Great Depression. General Motors was the largest company in the world between 1954 and 1956, and although AT&T held the top spot in the remaining years, General Motors was usually second. In 1967, IBM became the biggest company in the world and held that title for the next 20 years. AT&T was the biggest company in 1981, but in 1983, AT&T was broken up into Ma Bell and the seven Baby Bells forever losing any claim to be the world’s largest company.  

The Era of Musical Chairs

Since the 1980s, the top spot has been taken by a number of different companies. The surge in the price of oil in the 1980s brought ExxonMobil (formerly Standard Oil of New Jersey) back to the top spot, making it the largest company in 1989 and 1991 to 1992. General Electric took the top spot from 1993 to 1997 and again in 2000, 2001 and from 2003 to 2005. Microsoft was the largest company in 1998 and 1999 and again in 2002. ExxonMobil reigned supreme from 2006 to 2011. The only time when America lost the title of having the largest company in the world was during the Japanese stock market bubble of 1989. Nippon Telephone and Telegraph went public in 1987 and by 1989 it was the largest company in the world, larger than the entire German stock market and almost twice the size of the next largest firm, IBM. At $119 billion, NT&T became the first $100 billion company. In 1990, six of the top ten global spots were held by Japanese companies and 333 Japanese companies (vs. 329 for the United States) were in the Fortune Global 1000. After the Japanese bubble burst in 1990, American companies took back their global leadership. Since 2012, Apple has been the largest company in the world and is now approaching $1 trillion in market cap. As long as the iPhone dominates the market, it will probably continue to hold the top spot, but for how long? Since 2012, Apple has been the largest company in the world and is now approaching $1 trillion in market cap. As long as the iPhone dominates the market, it will probably continue to hold the top spot, but for how long?  

Global Leadership in the Twenty-First Century

What will the largest companies be in the twenty-first century? Two companies dominated the top spot in the nineteenth century, the Bank of England and the London and North Western Railway. During the twentieth century, a small number of American companies traded off the top spot between each other with Standard Oil/ExxonMobil, AT&T and IBM dominating the field. During the past few decades, however, leadership has constantly shifted and in 2018, Apple’s reign is being threatened by Amazon which some time in the near future may gain the top spot. Will America be able to dominate the global stock market for the rest of the century? Will Tencent, Alibaba or another Chinese firm become the biggest company by market cap? Will a new bubble propel companies past the $1 trillion mark? Only time will tell. 400 Years of Global Leadership  
Year Largest Company In The World Market Cap In USD
1602 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 2.77
1610 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 4.71
1620 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 5.08
1630 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 4.63
1640 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 10.12
1650 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 13.49
1660 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 10.70
1670 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 13.55
1680 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 11.96
1690 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company) 12.36
1700 East India Company Stock (New Company) 19.92
1710 East India Company Stock 17.37
1720 Compagnie des Indes (Mississippi Co.) 221.30
1730 Bank of England Stock 66.90
1740 Bank of England Stock 64.46
1750 Bank of England Stock 73.38
1760 Bank of England Stock 57.39
1770 Bank of England Stock 70.83
1780 Bank of England Stock 58.46
1790 Bank of England Stock 100.19
1800 Bank of England Stock 83.83
1810 Bank of England Stock 116.63
1820 Bank of England Stock 150.06
1830 Bank of England Stock 136.33
1840 Bank of England Stock 110.57
1850 Bank of England Stock 150.69
1860 Bank of England Stock 164.46
1870 London & North-Western Railway 188.39
1880 London & North-Western Railway 26.25
1890 London & North-Western Railway 328.56
1900 Standard Oil Co. 803.00
1910 Standard Oil Co. 608.71
1920 Standard Oil of New Jersey 613.63
1930 American Telephone & Telegraph Co. 3,152.55
1940 American Telephone & Telegraph Co. 3,134.24
1950 American Telephone & Telegraph Co. 4,320.87
1960 American Telephone & Telegraph Co. 23,944.37
1970 International Business Machines Corp 36,218.42
1980 International Business Machines Corp 39,606.90
1990 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Co. 119,000.00
2000 General Electric Co. 475,003.24
2010 ExxonMobil Corp. 368,771.99
2017 Apple Inc. 874,111.87

GFD Expands OTC and NASDAQ Daily Data Back to 1968

Global Financial Data has extended its daily data for the NASDAQ and over-the-counter markets back to 1968, providing daily coverage of thousands of companies during one of the most volatile eras in US stock market history. The 1960s were the period when hundreds of computer companies went public hoping to transform the world. Many of them, such as Intel, became household names or eventually moved to the American or New York Stock Exchange. Moreover, in 1968, most banks were listed over-the-counter, but since many have moved to the New York Stock Exchange. In 1968, stocks not listed on the American or New York Stock Exchanges were traded in the pink sheets. Investors had to find a dealer listed in the pink sheets, call them up and make a trade. There was no nationwide computer network for buying and selling stocks. NASDAQ was founded on February 4, 1971 to make stocks available over the NASDAQ computer network to the entire nation. Although NASDAQ was founded in 1971, daily historical data for NASDAQ stocks only goes back to December 14, 1972. Check any other source for daily data and you’ll see that their data series begin on December 14, 1972. Global Financial Data has added five years of daily data to companies listed over-the-counter to 1971 and on NASDAQ for 1971 and 1972. This addition gives analysts five years of data on thousands of companies that was never available before and remains unavailable from any other data provider. The addition of this data will eliminate the exchange bias inherent in the data from other vendors. In addition to its daily data, Global Financial Data has monthly data before 1968 for the companies that were listed OTC. GFD’s monthly over-the-counter data begins in 1865. Now subscribers can analyze in detail the movements of the banks, insurance companies, tech companies and other go-go companies from the 1960s. Walmart, Intel and hundreds of other companies listed OTC before moving on to the NASDAQ and to the New York Stock Exchange. No other company offers the complete history for these companies and has eliminated the exchange bias other data providers suffer from. With GFD’s complete data series, subscribers can study the dramatic changes in companies’ stocks before they moved onto the NYSE, NASDAQ or American Stock Exchange. If you would like to have access to complete data for over-the-counter stocks, call Global Financial Data today to speak to one of our sales representatives at 877-DATA-999 or 949-542-4200.

Global Financial Data Presents a New Web-Based REST API

Global Financial Data has always worked hard to provide as many different access options for our data as possible. Over time, a variety of different methods have been developed to meet the needs of all our customers: the Finaeon web interface on the GFD website, the Aeon Excel plugin, and the desktop-based API client. In response to the demands of our customers, GFD now provides subscribers with a new analyst- and developer-friendly query option: a web-based REST API. Data scientists and developers will be able to use a variety of different languages and tools to write calls to the web API and return JSON objects that they can work with in the language or analytic tool of their choice. Two query options are available for the new API:
    • The Multi Series with Price Data API, which gives users access to GFD series data with appropriate pricing information and metadata. This API is available for all subscribers and will return data from any GFD database that a subscriber has access to. Querying can be done for one or more series at a time and can be filtered for time range, periodicity, and other attributes.
  • The Search API, which returns GFD series metadata for any series in any GFD database. This API works similarly to the Multi Series API, but with two key differences. First, the Search API only returns metadata, and no price data, for each series. Second, the Search API has broader access rights than the Multi Series API. This means that any series in any GFD database can be queried regardless of subscription status, whereas the Multi Series API will only work for subscribed GFD databases.
The guides can be accessed by logging into Finaeon, and then going to “Account Info” in the upper right-hand corner. Additional details about the web API can be found by going to, contacting us at , or by calling us directly at 949-542-4200.

Edison and the Talking Doll

Toys ‘R’ Us has announced that it is closing all of its stores in the United States as parents and kids have found alternatives to the toy retailer. Their closure reminded me what a tough business it is producing and selling toys and of the time that Thomas Alva Edison ventured into the toy business and failed miserably. Although Edison is recognized for creating or contributing to the creation of the phonograph, electric lights, motion pictures and other essentials of the twentieth century, few realize that he also created the talking doll. Edison created his phonograph in 1877, filed for a patent on December 24, 1877, set up the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company on January 24, 1878 and received his patent on February 19, 1878. And you thought high tech only moved quickly in the 21st century! The initial fascination with the phonograph soon wore off, and the Edison Phonograph Co. wasn’t set up until 1887. The Edison Phonograph Toy Manufacturing Co. was also incorporated in 1887 to produce a doll that included a phonograph inside the doll that could play a short nursery rhyme and project the sound through the chest of the doll. If you go to the Wikipedia article on Edison’s Phonograph Doll, you can hear recordings of the nursery rhymes the doll played. To be honest, the recordings sound pretty creepy and it is no wonder that Edison referred to the dolls as his “little monsters.” A factory was set up in Menlo Park and hundreds of dolls were produced for purchase. The doll was 22 inches tall and could only play one nursery rhyme. Women in the factory recorded the nursery rhyme on beeswax for each doll and the rhymes could not be replaced with new ones. If you got the “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” recording, you had to listen to it for the rest of your life. Moreover, you had to crank a handle each time to play the short recording and the sound was atrocious. It sounded more like something to torture kids with than to put them asleep.

The dolls, which were made of metal and wood and weighed four pounds, were only marketed for a few months because the dolls were overpriced and didn’t work well. The doll cost $10 with a chemise and $20-25 with a full dress, the equivalent of several weeks wages for the average worker. Phonographs themselves sold for $150 in 1890, though by 1897 the price for a phonograph had dropped to $20. The wax recordings didn’t last long and quickly wore out as the steel stylus cut into the wax. If you hit your brother with your Phonograph Doll, your brother went to the doctor and your doll never said another word. Around 2,500 dolls were shipped to stores in 1890, but only about 500 completed dolls were actually sold, and most of those were returned because they worked so poorly. Production ceased in May 1890, and the remaining dolls had their phonographs removed and were sold with their lips sealed. Only a few of the dolls with the original phonographs have survived and are very rare. Few of the dolls remain, but the stock of the Edison Phonograph Toy Manufacturing Co., which originally issued 60,000 shares at $10, continued to trade until 1895 at pennies on the dollar. Edison showed that being an inventor and being an entrepreneur were not necessarily the same thing.  

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