Global Financial Data has added over 30 new Consumer Price and Producer Price Indices to its database as well as 25 new Unemployment Rates. With these additions, the GFDatabase now includes data on Consumer Price Indices from over 170 countries and data on Producer Price Indices and Unemployment Rates from over 100 countries. If you go to the search engine and choose Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index or Unemployment Rate under the Main Indicators, you can obtain a list of the countries for which we have CPI files, PPI files and Unemployment Rates. Global Financial Data also calculates the Annual Inflation Rate for each country. To obtain the CPI for a particular country you can use the mnemonic CP + 3-letter ISO Code + M and to obtain the PPI for a particular country, you can use the mnemonic WP + 3-letter ISO Code + M. Consequently, the CPI for the United States is CPUSAM and the Producer Price Index is WPUSAM. To obtain data for the annual rate of Inflation, add APC to the code which would yield CPUSAMAPC for the Annual Inflation Rate for Consumer Prices in the United States.
A list of the new files is provided below:
Country | Ticker | Type | Periodicity | Begins |
Bermuda | CPBMUM | Consumer Prices | Monthly | 2012 |
Bhutan | CPBTNM | Consumer Prices | Monthly | 2003 |
Cape Verde | CPCVEM | Consumer Prices | Monthly | 2006 |
Cayman Islands | CPCYMM | Consumer Prices | Quarterly | 1994 |
Faroe Islands | CPFROM | Consumer Prices | Quarterly | 1983 |
Liberia | CPLBRM | Consumer Prices | Monthly | 2005 |
Puerto Rico | CPPRIM | Consumer Prices | Monthly | 2006 |
Vanuatu | CPVUTM | Consumer Prices | Quarterly | 1998 |
Albania | WPALBM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 1998 |
Algeria | WPDZAM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 1997 |
Angola | WPAGOM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2014 |
Azerbaijan | WPAZEM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2012 |
Bhutan | WPBTNM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2011 |
Cyprus | WPCYPM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 1968 |
Fiji | WPFJIM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 2012 |
Iceland | WPISLM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2003 |
Kenya | WPKENM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 2011 |
Kosovo | WPKSVM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 2008 |
Macedonia | WPMKDM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 1993 |
Malta | WPMLTM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2000 |
Mauritius | WPMUSM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2007 |
Moldova | WPMDAM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2011 |
Mongolia | WPMNGM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2015 |
Mozambique | WPMOZM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2011 |
Oman | WPOMNM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 2010 |
Palestine | WPPSEM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 1996 |
Qatar | WPQATM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2014 |
Rwanda | WPRWAM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 2011 |
Saudi Arabia | WPSAUM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 1985 |
Senegal | WPSENM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2008 |
Seychelles | WPSYCM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2013 |
Tanzania | WPTZAM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 2014 |
Trinidad And Tobago | WPTTOM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 1978 |
Uganda | WPUGAM | Producer Prices | Monthly | 2011 |
Vietnam | WPVNMM | Producer Prices | Quarterly | 2011 |
Afghanistan | UNAFGM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1991 |
Angola | UNAGOM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1991 |
Albania | UNALBM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 1991 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | UNBIHM | Unemployment Rate | Monthly | 1991 |
Brunei Darussalam | UNBRNM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1991 |
Cape Verde | UNCVEM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1990 |
Ethiopia | UNETHM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1991 |
Faroe Islands | UNFROM | Unemployment Rate | Monthly | 1995 |
Georgia | UNGEOM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1991 |
Guatemala | UNGTMM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 1991 |
Iran | UNIRNM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 1991 |
Kyrgyzstan | UNKGZM | Unemployment Rate | Monthly | 1991 |
Kosovo | UNKSVM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 2001 |
Kuwait | UNKWTM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1983 |
Mongolia | UNMNGM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 1990 |
Namibia | UNNAMM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1991 |
Nigeria | UNNGAM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 1991 |
Nicaragua | UNNICM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 1980 |
Puerto Rico | UNPRIM | Unemployment Rate | Monthly | 1990 |
West Bank and Gaza | UNPSEM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 1991 |
Qatar | UNQATM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 1991 |
Rwanda | UNRWAM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1991 |
Syria | UNSYRM | Unemployment Rate | Annual | 1991 |
Tajikistan | UNTJKM | Unemployment Rate | Monthly | 1991 |
Uzbekistan | UNUZBM | Unemployment Rate | Quarterly | 1991 |